
Published 6 years ago - 426 plays
falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling falling fell
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6 years ago
BananaFace nah ur fine. its just i hate helicopters
6 years ago
BenTheUnknown Okay, but I appear the friend leader board as 3rd 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 But, yeah, I am joking about the trials thing. I was upset that you called my level annoying.
6 years ago
BananaFace you're still "WORLD NUMBER ONE" on this and up there past me on TETRATIONISCOOL
6 years ago
BananaFace come on bro, give me some credit. I only just got good at trials. AND, they're fun, so I like to make them, and cheat levels. Like Kermit.the.frog 's triangles. Check that out. ONLY TIME UP THERE. but if you're serious, I'll stop fu.cking with you.