City hold up (Auto series 4)
Published 6 years ago - 7.3k plays
Some of you have been asking if i have a alt account and i do it is called Pro_thunder and i never made tracks in it only played tracks. Also some have been saying hold up is not autos but when i made the track asking if i did a auto series i said it is was going to be a series of Autos and hold ups
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6 years ago
Pro_thunder it's not fine. you never upload a track that was already uploaded
6 years ago
Yes i know but best friends give you stuff don't they so if they say it was alright it is fine
6 years ago
Pro_thunder still copied,if there are 2 identical track,then the person with the latest upload is held responsible for copying,so still your fault :(
6 years ago
Pro_thunder you probably logged on and did that. and who would let someone "use" a code for a track that was made two years ago?