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6 years ago
WorldsBestNoob that's fine. I'll try to be nicer to people who make a track I don't like.
6 years ago
tetrationiscool by stacked i meant crashed and by saying this ' I'm 'not as good as [I] make up to be' i have always seen you as a really skilled player and on hard tracks usually people tag you into their comments or people complete slowly and you come and beat everyone so I've seen you as a skilled rider... and SORRY during that argument i was just in a bad mood, looking back on it i realize how stupid i sometimes am.
6 years ago
Hacksaw is correct. WorldsBestNoob we did not settle it a while ago. You did not answer my questions, which were "What do you mean by 'stacked'?" and "What do you mean by I'm 'not as good as [I] make up to be'? I've never said I'm a skilled rider." Unlike before, please address all the questions posed to you in this comment.
6 years ago
WorldsBestNoob it doesnt appear so