Learn To Pump [DESC]

Published 6 years ago - 9.6k plays
Hello everyone, I have created this map which may drive some people crazy because of the second jump ! but once you master it well, many maps will seem simpler to you!
Have a good training!
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6 years ago
God_z Everyone has their own style! what I know is that I will never spend more than two hours on a map, what I like is the ride and the style of jumps and not the details! I still do what I want, and I have the impression that my maps like 80% of the time ! so I will continue my work boring and repetitive ! after seeing your 9 maps I don't understand why you allow yourself to criticize my tracks x) without grudges ! See You
6 years ago
God_z Pchapero2 He is 100% correct
6 years ago
Pchapero2 Ninjazz He took a solid 30 hours to make his winter rush track. His tracks are all unique and different, but your tracks have the same detail and same boring look. I don't mean to hate as I am a sub but if you spent a good 30 hours on a track it would look amazing.
6 years ago
how do you pump