IMPORTANT (kinda...) read desc
Published 7 years ago - 551 plays
2 things
1. I Want to make the record for the longest AUTO on FRHD, can you plz tag me and comment the time of the longest AUTO on FRHD
2. You can Subscribe to my YouTube here:
I want to get to 60 subscribers on my YouTube
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7 years ago
Pie42 I'm looking for one's that aren't just falling
7 years ago
Boxhead_OFFICIAL lol, mine was like 2 minutes long:
7 years ago
Boxhead_OFFICIAL I believe that the longest auto is ~75.8 hours long, and it is made by Ninjasparkour. However, there are other, shorter autos where your character actually does stuff. The longest one I've ever done was 7-ish minutes, and there are also 2 hour long ones.