Collab? (Read Desc)
Published 7 years ago - 347 plays
If anyone wants to help me finish this track here is the code: -18 1i 18 1i 6s 1i au 1i cg 1i,ec -a em -k fa -u fu -1i gi -2g hq -2q i4 -3e io -42 k0 -50 k9 -55 kl -58 l5 -5a lq -5c m5 -5f mk -5k n0 -5p nb -5r nu -5v og -62 q2 -64 u3 -62 10h -65,-18 1i -1b 1g -1d 1c -1h 1b -1k 1b,-1m 1a -1r 17 -1l 1
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7 years ago
The code in the desc didnt paste correctly message me on the forum if you want it