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hangoverPublished 7 years ago - 4.4k plays
We don't need ga.y pride month that's not homophobic it's true
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2 months ago
2a-89 I'm christian, but we should respect ppls choices. Take my sister for example, shes g.ay and a christian
8 months ago
3 years ago
ChewieChewington lol and what does the bible say about g.ay marriage? It says in Leviticus that it's a detestable thing and should never be done. I don't care if you think I'm a bad person because I'm a christian who doesn't support g.ay people but what I just told you is the truth and nothing but the truth
3 years ago
2a-89 hangover You're both dead wrong. For years, only recently g.ay people could be publicy g.ay without being shuned or worse. It's absolutely homophobic what you said, whether you think so or not, you're a bad person