Stone wall
Published 7 years ago - 604 plays
Please subscribe and friend it took me a really long time to make. If you would like a shoutout subscribe and comment down below and I will give you a shoutout on my next track
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7 years ago
Cloak There are programs created that allow you to take the inputs of someone's ghost and have them be yours. If you race Arabian and tetrationiscool, you can see that they are basically the same(though somehow Arabian was a frame ahead at the end).
7 years ago
Pie42 wut u mean "steal a ghost"
7 years ago
How can you even do that?
7 years ago
notverifiedsorip If you're going to steal a ghost, it would probably be a better idea to steal tetrationiscool's ghost, since it makes it actually worth stealing the ghost. After all, my ghost is pretty bad, and not worth stealing.