The EYE of the HARRY
Published 7 years ago - 647 plays
This track idea is copied from "The EYE of the CALC" and this is just a joke for fun!
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3 years ago
who harry
7 years ago
Ninjasparkour nice to see you around! And thank you, i worked on it for about 7 hours straight. One tip is to start with a basic outline, the traditional loped lemon, where one corner curves more. Then go over the outline with basic shade, neat and tidy. After that, i would suggest choosing your texteure style, i personlay like starting rough, not erasing, and then finalising. From personal experiance with pen and pecil, i dont erase, but rather start very light. This allows for control.
7 years ago
MTBommer any tips on the eye? I think it's a masterpiece
7 years ago
MTBommer you think I am a noob, well because that's true