Tardigrades Castle (Preview)

Published 7 years ago - 1.0k plays
Hello! I haven't dropped a track recently because I've been working on a lit new track based off of Mario games, specifically Bowser's Castle levels. The level will be coming out next weekend, assuming I have time. 👍
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7 years ago
spruce Also if you had time could you rate a couple of my tracks? I'm working on longer tracks with more detail, could you check out my tracks "The Lab" and "Tardigrades Castle" and lemme know what u think?
7 years ago
spruce nice
7 years ago
Tardigrades yeah i'm working on a bigger more detailed one right now
7 years ago
Hey spruce I don't mean to be rude but are you working on or planning to work on any larger tracks in the future? Your larger ones are good but you post a lot of little ones now