Not enough ATTENTION
Published 7 years ago - 12.8k plays
As you may have experienced, not enough people get recognised for their hard work. Someone with 100 subs spends 20 mins and gets 10 likes, whereas a noob (Like me) spends an hour and gets 3-6 likes (MAX). Go left if you just like to drive. Please like and subscribe to support all my fellow noobs.
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7 years ago
ChezNugget I'm sorry. My newest track was on Hot for 3 minutes.
7 years ago
FRHDMASTER36 I spent 2 hrs workinging on a track and guess what ... 8 likes!!
7 years ago
7 years ago
OK- 1 you spelled attention wrong, 2 you got 3.9k views (nice) and 3 check out my new track The Lab.