Published 7 years ago - 420 plays
If u wañt the track. Whoever gets it cañ fiñish it. -18 1i 18 1i a0 1i a5 19 ae p an a b1 -5 ba -i bj -u bs -19 c5 -1i ce -1r cn -23 d0 -29 d9 -2f di -2j dr -2n e4 -2p ed -2q el -2q eu -2p f7 -2n ff -2j fo -2f g1 -29 g9 -23 gi -1r gq -1i h2 -19 hb -u hj -i hr -5 i4 a ic p ik 19 io 1i,de 1i dj 19
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