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9 years ago
LukeSpecogna,it don't wurk u di
It don't work cuz it in't da auto caus u di in de end, soooooo...
10 years ago
BroganPerez is right this map sucks if it kills you at the end, if I have to move my person out of the way of the wall then it's not an auto.
1 decade ago
this is not auto if it kills you at the end
9 years ago
LukeSpecogna,it don't wurk u di
9 years ago
It don't work cuz it in't da auto caus u di in de end, soooooo...
10 years ago
BroganPerez is right this map sucks if it kills you at the end, if I have to move my person out of the way of the wall then it's not an auto.
1 decade ago
this is not auto if it kills you at the end