Challenge #3

Published 7 years ago - 376 plays
okay, this one is harder than some of the others. Hope you can enjoy this one too! Don't forget to like subscribe, and comment. You guys have made this series incredible. Especially Pie 42 (Or 43?) XD Try with BMX!
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7 years ago
MPants You're welcome.
7 years ago
Pie42 Thanks man!
7 years ago
Also, that last jump has trolled me several times. It doesn't look like it will send you very far, but then as soon as you go off of it, you go flying past the star. This isn't a bad thing, I just really enjoy laughing(and crying inside) at my fails.
7 years ago
MPants GG! Fun track as always. Don't worry about it, I'm mostly sure that it's Pie42(I try to check regularly, but I haven't checked yet today, so I'll do it soon). I really appreciate the shoutout, and if you keep making these tracks, I'll keep playing them. They're so much fun! I also initially missed this track, so I subscribed so that it will never happen again.