Tubes | Read Description

Published 7 years ago - 425 plays
So I made this in memory of the blob tubes from free rider 2. If you have no idea what im talking about, go play free rider 2. You'll probably find a blob tube pretty quickly. I just hope so much that the blob is rightfully reestablished in FRHD. Like if you want the blob!
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7 years ago
Slayed Yea that could be good too.
7 years ago
th3Jokr yeah, the only way i could see them implementing it would be through a power up just like the heli
7 years ago
Slayed But you would be able to disable the use of blobs on levels you create, just like the bikes already.
7 years ago
the blob was fun and all but it made ghosting anything a joke, if any of the old vehicles were to return I would hate it to be the blob. It may be "iconic" to old players but it was broken af if you think about it