Hypercube or Ultraviolet
Published 7 years ago - 1.1k plays
I'm bad at helis so it got easier and easier.......
Say who you like in the comments!
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7 years ago
Ultraviolet DizzyCircles HyperCube now that I think about it, it’s really hard.
7 years ago
Cloak Rayb25 TurbulenceYT Imbetterthanyo I don't disagree, he is much better than me in the more traditional tracks. E.g. Off-roads and climbs. However, these are the most common sorts of tracks. I can beat him in tubing and heli tracks. It's all how you perceive someone being better than someone else.
7 years ago
they have there moments, but i don't know.........
7 years ago
i honestly like them both