Northpointe Christian School
Published 1 decade ago - 15.7k plays
this is my first track
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2 years ago
That's not saying I disrespect religious people, religions all have a very wise way of looking at life and teaching these morals, so don't be angry when I don't agree with you.
2 years ago
Then of course there is the son of G0d that your supposed G0d let suffer for hours on a cross before dying. And I'm not even going into depth here, so even if your religion's ideas were true, it would be insane to follow your G0d or church.
2 years ago
NHuebner Ok first of all, the Bible says that the Earth started around 6000 years ago, which is crazy, second of all, your "loving' G0d is claimed to have killed Billions of people, and let a billion more people die in wars, and your acclaimed "evil' Devil only killed a few dozen, and you blame this Devil even though you have no testimony or evidence from him, which is an incredibly biased way of thinking and very wrong.
3 years ago
Guest1234 I can prove it. Sooo many things in the Bible coincide with what has happened in the past and in the present. And Jesus will come back for his people soon. Will be praying for you!