5,000 Tracks Completed!

Published 7 years ago - 651 plays
soon to be 5,001. lol. also rated 1000 tracks at the same time, what a coincidence of numbers
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7 years ago
Bikerchicken Yea, Im in school to, pretty much the only way i play lmao
7 years ago
Dougy0401 haha sounds good :) gtg school
7 years ago
Bikerchicken Same here..but hey, just, at your 499th track, create a track, that has a link to your alt, then publish the exact same track at the alt, so they know it's really you, and then make a awesome 500th track, switch, and start over! (More or less the same subs) I'll challenge all my friends, let them know, and tell them to do the same, heck, ill even make a track about it
7 years ago
Dougy0401 lol i just wouldnt want to lose all my subs. by the time ive made that many tracks i'll have hundreds! and to think i started playing b/c my friend showed me this at school :)