legalize weed

Published 7 years ago - 314 plays
legalize marijauna if you are 18 post you vote please its an issue not just to get stoned we waste millions of tax payers money throwing people in prison over a plant, that has racist old laws the reason pot is illegal is because this man couldnt find nothing to make illegal so he made weed illegal
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7 years ago
EwwanEMO true
7 years ago
123e i'll owe you a help on a track.
7 years ago
123e plus i was gonna ask you if you wanna work on this project with me, add me on sc if you wanna @loganwalk01
7 years ago
123e i respect your opion and agree with gate way, and productivity, but the gate way is not true for everyone, and it does not cause cancer like you think cigerates have alot of tar, weed does not plus the same time it fights cancer cells, which is not something stoners made up, it does need more resaerch on it, but it does need to be decrimelized i hope we can agree on that.