NOOB trails #2 (desc)

Published 7 years ago - 10.9k plays
WOW my last noob trials hit 1.8k plays and 20+ likes and 8 Subs this is awesome guys also I am almost at 20,000 points and I feel like I'm becoming pro so if u guys like this lets try and get up to 10 more then last time. also thanks everyone that subscribed once I get to 100 subs I'm making a track
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7 years ago
BryceBrooks28 Thanks, keep making these sick tracks!
7 years ago
StuffBoi99 naw everyones track is great its just a matter of time
7 years ago
how do you do this??????
7 years ago
BryceBrooks28 I remember when I made these and then, everyone stopped playing them... Nice track though! Probably better than my noob trials XD