Babyboy & Roycraggle pt. 1
Published 7 years ago - 6.2k plays
The Adventures of Babyboy and Roycraggle pt. 1. This is the first edition of a trilogy by me. The pair find themselves in a mysterious gang building, run down and abandoned. They set off on their journey to find who took their magic 8 ball. This is where they escape from the gang, The Kings.
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7 years ago
kalith at least twice as long (nonexistent if its a trial), no z-correcting, no wobble correcting, no/little precision, and no fancy brake usage. essentially, im garbage without it lol
7 years ago
mudkip What does your ghost look like if you don't space bar?
7 years ago
mudkip i understand now, i was wondering why the curves were so slippery ): i'll go fix
7 years ago
MuchoPanda OH