Trial Championship Battles #2
Published 7 years ago - 483 plays
2ND ROUND! Eliminations have been made, this is the next round. Slightly harder than last round (if you speed run it) and smaller, which will make the times close. Good luck to all those who moved up, closer to that 5000 coins prize.
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7 years ago
Absent on your challenge Bracket you already posted that Whisk is in the final. That isn't decided yet. Play my newest track. You are against tetrationiscool
7 years ago
Absent Thanks. My Forum post isn't getting anyone's attention
7 years ago
Hockey_God I made this so people can check who they are battling: http://challonge(.)com/moj6n8fd (remove the parenthesis around the period)
7 years ago
Hockey_God quick and challenging track, gg