Bikerchicken Ja, I agree. I made an awesome track with like so much detail and it was a pretty good one too, but for some reason it only gets 27 plays and 2 likes while another track featuring a bunch of scribbles gets 50k plays and 245 likes. It's just like 'Bruh'.
7 years ago
Bikerchicken Oh, well. Maybe the game does this on purpose to make more tracks. Idk.
7 years ago
Mystical_Player I KNOW RIGHT
7 years ago
Bikerchicken Ja, I agree. I made an awesome track with like so much detail and it was a pretty good one too, but for some reason it only gets 27 plays and 2 likes while another track featuring a bunch of scribbles gets 50k plays and 245 likes. It's just like 'Bruh'.
8 years ago
RyanDwyer no offense this is trash. and i make a huge good track and it gets 15 plays and these stars get 111 plays. JUST WHY