Whaaa... What? (Read Desc)

Published 8 years ago - 307 plays
This tiny track uses a little glitch that my friend and I discovered a little bit ago. about when I published that other one with the big: ?. I will teach you fans how to do this glitch when I hit 50 subs and this track gets 100 likes. Credit for the glitch goes to Kevin704 (in game id).
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8 years ago
and i did lose some subs due to this level i think.
8 years ago
I mean their not too great but they are what I got.
8 years ago
Ok fine forgive me, you all know the *glitch* it's fine, I know. Now I have a feww more tracks BETTER tracks coming.
8 years ago
Make tracks like these and u'll never get to 20 subs