Only Pros Will Know
Published 8 years ago - 916 plays
...How do beat this track!
Hope you have fun!
P.S: If one can do it with a BMX, mention me in the comments and say you did so and I will give you a shout out in my next track
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8 years ago
FoxGamingTM Yeah
8 years ago
Ninjasparkour I basically copied 2 tracks (not staff-created) long ago and realized that it was very wrong when I got tons of hate. Later I apologized by creating another track apologizing for what I did and saying it was wrong and I should not have done that. I promised to not copy ever again and I've kept that promise. I still feel bad about it though. Fortunately those tracks got lots of hate
8 years ago
Ninjasparkour That is a shame. Maybe you can get him to promise not to do it again. After all, when I first joined Free Rider I had copied 2 tracks and edited them slightly. I said I copied them and I promised I wouldn't ever again. To this day I still haven't copied another track and I don't ever plan on it.
8 years ago
FoxGamingTM Yeah, although he copied 2 tracks of stig recently.