No Cityshep (Read Desc)
Published 8 years ago - 1.2k plays
Jesus shall not be used as a meme!
In Armageddon I cant wait to see you blown up while i live in heavenly paradise unlike the rest of you unbelievers.
Burn in he.ll you reetards
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10 months ago
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8 years ago
You can believe as you want even though you are clearly a physcotic person; but you will not put down people just because of your religious beliefs. And guess what?; if you so strongly believe in that religion, then you would know that your supposed to be kind and accepting, so if anyone is going to go to your fable-made "h:ell", its you.
8 years ago
you are obsessed with CityShep, are you g@y or something wagon
8 years ago
Wagon, i think calling people names and calling them reetards isn't gonna make it. And hey, i'm a Free Thinker TOO! "In Armageddon I cant wait to see you blown up while i live in heavenly paradise unlike the rest of you unbelievers. Burn in he.ll you reetards" how psychotic and sick IS that? Man, that was WAY beyond.