Clickbait (read desc)
Published 8 years ago - 476 plays
Clickbait is not fun. its like saying "this is awesome" for a title when its a bad track or saying "cool glitch" when its not a glitch and you just want likes. its disappointing for me because i like glitches and cool tracks but now i dont know which is which like if you agree, dislike if you dont
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8 years ago
ya i...
8 years ago
IsaacLindsay well.. you know what i mean u have to read the desc.
8 years ago
blasterman yea you kinda put clickbait in the title making people like "oh i want to see this" or when it says read desc it's like saying "click this track so i can read the desc" which i fell for the trick and that's why im writing this comment XD
8 years ago
AmityIllusions oh... well the type of clickbait im talking about is tricking people into playing your tracks