Published 8 years ago - 766 plays
For The Next UPDATE, I think they should add an edit your track under your username so you can remove tracks, edit them and save them instead of asking to remove a track or instead of making a track that doesnt work or making 2 of the same track. Write what you think, BTW This track isnt impossible!
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8 years ago
Legendary_Rider Please don't take this the wrong way, it isn't meant to be an insult, but personally I think you should spend 2 or 3 days on a track with lots of detail that you really worked hard on, instead of uploading three tracks every day with not much effort put into them.
8 years ago
HideakiSekimoto Hold Right up
8 years ago
Legendary_Rider how did you complete this
8 years ago
How is it Impossible to get 0:00.03