Three things
Published 8 years ago - 960 plays
I said in the title there is three things 1. I just got a concussion 2. My friend, Doodlenut left for the summer so when he comes back I wanna suprise him when he has like 80 subs. 3. This is the least important one but I would like it if you joined my clan in Clash Royale, Its called FRHD crew 2.0
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8 years ago
SilentFinger why did you delete me as a friend? :(
8 years ago
XXX_MLGLUCAS_XXX cus u haven't all day :(
8 years ago
XXX_MLGLUCAS_XXX Hey r u even gonna join? I hope so
8 years ago
SilentFinger NP but I just like a good clan