Desc! Announcment (SHARE THIS)
Published 8 years ago - 9.8k plays
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Tell me in the comments if you think school is nessasary and will halp us in the future! I want everyone to watch this video and tell me what you think because we need to change our education as a nation! ----watch
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1 month ago
skool is sooOoOoOOoooo yusless and it wile never halp me or you or us or umm or anywon do anyting in any nayshun at any tiem (incloding the futchore). Thx all for listing to wat I has to say. Ankneways, the video was super deep so here's a qwote I liked: "[motivational music] Here's a car from today and here's a car from 150 years ago - big difference" bcuz I like cars and skool stewpid or something.
3 years ago
bro what is this??
4 years ago
Which nation???.
5 years ago
ok sir