smooth jumps (code in coments)

Published 8 years ago - 1.4k plays
if you want to edit my level the code is in the comment section. and tell me what to do for my next level and i will put your name at the beginning.(no wheelie levels)
Desktop Controls
- Accelerate
- Back Brake
- Lean Left
- Lean Right
- Change Direction
- Change Vehicle
Front Brake Advanced+
- Last Checkpoint
- Remove Checkpoint
- Restart Track
- Pause
- Zoom In/Out or
Toggle Player View Race mode only
3 months ago
TheLegend270 yh
4 years ago
TheLegend270 -1g -1f -1d -1f,-1f -1g -18 -2o,-1e -1f s -16 -1g -1f,-1e -1e u -15,18 -27 -1b -2q -1h -1g,-19 -2q -1g -1i,17 -26 -17 -2o 15 -26 -18 -2n,-15 -2g -19 -1j -14 -1m,-13 -1m -u -1r -q -22 -q -2b -15 -2h,-o -2e -g -2d,-j -2f -p -1m -u -1l,-6 -29 -e -1g,-5 -29 -7 -1g 3 -28,3 -1q -4 -1e,6 -1u 1 -1q,2 -1v 7 -1p,g -1t 8 -1m 8 -1i b -1d h -1b,q -25 h -1a,l -1m 13 -1u,m -1o s -1a,17 1k -19 1k,s -17 10 -1e,t -16 t -1a,-18 1i 18 1i,-19 1j 17 1j,um 1j vl 1f 10e 18 11c s 125 d 135 -a 13r -t 14f
8 years ago
RishiNatraj well ill try
8 years ago
RishiNatraj ill do that for my 10 sub track : )