Pixel art troll face (desc.)

Published 8 years ago - 834 plays
Thank you so much!!! I never expected this many subscribers!
Some of you may be wondering why I'm not continuing the skull. This is because I decided to make the whole skeleton in one go.
This took me a long time, and I feel sorry for anyone who tries to do this. I will giveaway the code.
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8 years ago
Free helicopter challenge: -1s 0 -1s 8e,1s 0 1s 8e 1s 10q 1i 10q,-1s -a -1s 0,-1s -k -1s -a,-1s -k 1s -k 1s k,-1s 7q -1s 10q 1i 10q,-1s 2g -u 2g,u 4c 1s 4c,-1s 84 -u 84,u 9m 1s 9m,-1s cg -u cg,u em 1s em,-1s jc -u jc,u ku 1s ku,-1s p0 -u p0,u q8 1i q8,18 q8 1s q8,-1s so -u so,u u0 1i u0 1s u0##V 0 a 1 1s,T 0 10g,C 0 g8
8 years ago
TheeMaster ok
8 years ago
xXMASTER_OF_FAILSXx can I have it?
8 years ago
xXMASTER_OF_FAILSXx wut a troll, wink wink, hehe imma go kms now