My 2K Giveaway Got Deleted
Published 8 years ago - 556 plays
First of all, WHY? Was it because it was just a circle and was getting more attention than other tracks that put effort? Please tell me why and can I have my track back please?
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8 years ago
il put it to good use :)
8 years ago
can i have the 2k?
8 years ago
Amitabh Ya, I also went around to most of the giveaway tracks and commented that they should stop now, otherwise there could be consequences... and look what happened xD:)
8 years ago
willskier1 Thanks for the beginning my bro ♡ and yes definitely,after your giveaway the mods really understood that they need to act now :) mudkip CityShep Noob we've won ♡