It's too easy to steal. (desc)
Published 8 years ago - 685 plays
"Wheelies are Bomb". The number one rated track in the entirety of FRHD. It must've taken so much effort to make this, which it why it shouldn't've been so easy to steal.
I won't explain how I did it, in fear of an explosion of steals, but I will say it was easy. Please vote up to spread awareness.
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6 years ago
how do you do it
8 years ago
Parascout tell me how plz
8 years ago
Some more stuff I couldn't explain in the description: I'm no hacker. I'm just an average player of this pretty good game, who noticed something like this and wanted to let people know how easy it is to do something like this. So, yeah. That's all I really have to say for now.