25 Subs Giveaway? (DESC.)

Published 8 years ago - 326 plays
(Hold up) Hi, guys. It would be amazing if I could smash 25 subs. Once I reach 25 subs, I will probably start a giveaway for coins. You don't need to sub to enter the giveaway if I start it, but I won't start it unless I reach 25 subs. Hope you like this quick wheelie. I'll keep you guys posted. 'U'
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8 years ago
IshaanSalhotra Yep...
8 years ago
BrandonBishop50 So frickin annoying. 3 of my autos r broken even tho they worked in the making. Stupid FRHD
8 years ago
BrandonBishop50 Thx bro I subbed back
8 years ago
IshaanSalhotra My track style, and my giveaway style? Really? lol I subbed btw