The height of Bike Guy (Desc)

Published 8 years ago - 8.4k plays
Average height is 5 ft. Using this, him sitting on his bike is 4.35 feet tall. Legs are half your body so 2.5 ft. His legs are bent at a 90 angle so it's actually 1.25, so it's 3.75 feet. Plus height of bike tires (BMX) it's 4.35. Each block is 0.6 feet. If you want real sizing in your lv, use this!
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1 year ago
dantexpress Average height is 5 ft. Using this, him sitting on his bike is 4.35 feet tall. Legs are half your body so 2.5 ft. His legs are bent at a 90 angle so it's actually 1.25, so it's 3.75 feet. Plus height of bike tires (BMX) it's 4.35. Each block is 0.6 feet. If you want real sizing in your lv, use this!
1 year ago
ZabuzaUchiha how high is bike guy
1 year ago
dantexpress hi
1 year ago
hello future freerider reply to me so i can say hi to you