Merry Christmas Happy Hanukkah

Published 8 years ago - 10.7k plays
Whichever one you celebrate, it's gon' be guuuud! Also, I'm not going to upload really anything in December because, well, CHRISTMAS!!!!!! I'll still be playing, answering to comments, accepting/declining friends, and I'll be on forums. This level is kind of smooth, but it will take you a few tries!
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3 years ago
Altaria bo a fink his fo real briv
8 years ago
Da fuq. Y u no doin tha gud stuf in da title??? Ther waz no funy mem. Wat tha fuq mun. this is how a pep shud talk. Lik fo legit??
8 years ago
keni923 thx ;)
8 years ago
xLegendx nice!