Volcano Leaps

Published 8 years ago - 418 plays
This is the first track that I have done in a year, and the best one I have ever done. I know it is kinda bad, but please give me a chance! I know I most likely will not be getting collabs, but I would like them and subscriptions.
Desktop Controls
- Accelerate
- Back Brake
- Lean Left
- Lean Right
- Change Direction
- Change Vehicle
Front Brake Advanced+
- Last Checkpoint
- Remove Checkpoint
- Restart Track
- Pause
- Zoom In/Out or
Toggle Player View Race mode only
Loading Leaderboard
8 years ago
Ok, thanks
8 years ago
ChristineWennerberg It is possible to give coins only if you have FRHD PRO, you should put a star on that part were you press z but if you see my ghost you can tell there is an easier way, you should put that start so people have to go that way. <3 ;-)
8 years ago
And by the way, is it possible to give away coins? If it is, does anyone know how????
8 years ago
Hi, could people please comment? I want to know what I should fix (I know there is a lot to fix).