Earthquake (desc)
Published 8 years ago - 16.5k plays
at 2 past 12 this morning a magnitude 7.8 earthquake hit north canterbury new zealand two people have been confirmed dead and it felt pretty big but luckily i am used to them as i have felt over 10'000 of them in the past 6 years i just wanted to inform you about this
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8 years ago
I go on random, and guess who pops up?
8 years ago
I meant who play FRHD for my previous comment.
8 years ago
Solomonster Okay.
8 years ago
14erHiker 4.5 million people and the big one recently was a 7.8 but the one that killed 120 people was a 6.4 in 2011 and that one felt stronger than the 7.8 recently