WANTED! (Read Desc. Please)
Published 8 years ago - 670 plays
Hi! I made this track in an attempt to try to make this. I failed. If anyone knows how to make the bike stop and balance on its wheel in an auto (like I tried) PLEASE let me know! I will give the person who tells me how 2,000 coins, if it works.
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- Accelerate
- Back Brake
- Lean Left
- Lean Right
- Change Direction
- Change Vehicle
Front Brake Advanced+
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8 years ago
Pro_Rider_Legend ok, tel me
8 years ago
I KNOW!!!!
8 years ago
AidantheNarwhal ok u know when u pull back on the bike u do a wheelie and when u get the wheel to high it will flip but if you are lower it will stay and when you have the wheel lower it stays low so when your doing an auto when the wheel falls put the track lines lower when it recovers you can add more you have the track right at the begining its losing speed so u need to add boost then it should work
8 years ago
BryceBrooks28 ok