FRIDGE TURN race (desc.)!!!!!!

Published 8 years ago - 825 plays
So, what's up? I shared new track. It is a FRIDGE where you have to TURN. You can RACE. I am hungry. But I am not very hungry. I will eat if I get 5 likes in 20 minutes. HAH HAH HAH! Please like and subscribe. I need 10 likes and 10 subs, because my friend doesn't believe that I can do it. Goodby!!!
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8 years ago
HHungaski hmmmm.... Good question I gonna eat... hmmmmm... I'll eat salad, juice and chicken. 5 likes! 7 subs! Sool thanks... Did you like and sub??? please...
8 years ago
almost 5 likes u gonna what are you gonna eat?