Cliffs and Hills

Published 9 years ago - 8.3k plays
Smooth, then not smooth, then smooth again ;p
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5 years ago
9 years ago
Rishav74 1. a fight can be defined as a quarrel or argue, so, yes, it is a fight unlike u said, 2. I still never made fun of YOU 3. If u are "still in your learning process" and u consider me a "good rider" and were "hoping for some good feedback" Then ask me, dont come at me posting 9 comments. I respect honesty, so please just ask me what u want, and if u don't want anything, then stop fighting
9 years ago
the_rider Nice, nice very good. Keep going..
9 years ago
the_rider And I'm sorry if you dislike this track. Maybe you could have given me some constructive criticism which would have helped me, and instead you made fun of me. Also, I'm just proving my point with factual evidence, which is not a fight.