1 Minute Challenge
Published 9 years ago - 583 plays
This is a contest entry for OtakuKipper's 1 minute challenge contest. It's a trial-like track, so it's gonna be a challenge unless you are a pro. I made everything in one minute, except the power-ups and stars (not required to be done in the 1 minute). Please like and let me know how I did. Thanks!
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9 years ago
DarkMilk maybe so... Thanks for the like (;
9 years ago
those dislikes werent disbelievers they were people who couldnt beat it xD----i liked it btw
9 years ago
I think I'm getting some skeptics here. Already 2 dislikes....DRAG0N's entry looks pretty long, though nobody was skeptical on him.... Oh well. I guess I can't do anything about it. *Sigh*
9 years ago
DarkMilk check out DRAG0N's It doesn't seem like it could take a minute, but I believe him. Here's the link: https://www.freeriderhd.com/t/278596-trail-ride/r/1mper1al_116