Questions! Read Desc.
Published 9 years ago - 2.7k plays
I was wondering if someone would tell me how to become a official author? I will have some other questions in the comments. Please don't dislike just because you can't beat this track. Also, the people with the top 5 times will get there names on my next track!
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9 years ago
SCrane Thz for friending
9 years ago
SCrane How am I supposed to beat your time when I can only press 2 buttons at once AND I'm retiring? lol (check my profile for more info)
9 years ago
SCrane my none of the track is TRENDING - i became official author because of continue uploading of QUALITY DETAILED TRACKS (NO TRAIL AT ALL) you have to atleast make 4-5 detailed and good tracks and you will be OFFICIAL AUTHOR THEN :)
9 years ago
SCrane yep