8000 Coins and Points! (Desc.)

Published 9 years ago - 945 plays
Just celebrating the fact that I just hit 8000 coins and points in FRHD. It's has been a great year since I started playing. I also turn 16 years old today!! It's a very eventful day for me. Anyway, I won't ramble on, so please like the track and subscribe.
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8 years ago
nutstrangler or you're just a little twit and nobody likes you because of the way you talk online. You act like an 'Internet Tough Guy' because of how big your ego is. So please, climb u up to your ego and jump down to your IQ to kill yourself, because nobody cares about your d*mbass.
9 years ago
Lil_Nate07 also thanks for the happy birthday
9 years ago
Lil_Nate07 I did not. I got my permit like a week before
9 years ago
Derpicus happy birthday