GNÅRLY OÅK [post-preview]
Published 9 years ago - 608 plays
I can'r just leave it sitting around man!!! :Z
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9 years ago
oak327 think my fleep is fleeping broken! 3rd time lucky,my new email is g w e l d e r 1 1 7 @ g m a i l . c o m , now if that don't work, i'll tenaciously find another solution! *fingers crossed*
9 years ago
Killerdragon908 Press up down and right at same time to get started, then it's down to honing your skill. I'm no pro but no noob either, it takes a while but if you keep at it you get it. you might want to try some of my race tracks instead if you're not into trials! they have a different name than 1111, all the 1111's are trials!
9 years ago
Gnarly117 sent it not in reply form this time should work
9 years ago
oak327 Cool, but could you re-send it it doesn't seem to be there!? May be a glitch, fleep is pretty new!