warning, no flags
Published 9 years ago - 414 plays
this is a track with no flags! beware! :O
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7 years ago
tetrationiscool lol, but when you consider that *Most* people have less than 20,000 pts, and that you have the number one (over 100,000 pts, then I consider you one of the best, That, and the fact that you don't rub it in (I'm so pro, I'm #1) is why)
7 years ago
Dougy0401 thanks, but I have not been playing the longest. Some people have played freerider games for over twice as long as I have. I still consider myself a beginner.
7 years ago
tetrationiscool Nice! Considering that you've been playing the longest, your'e actually one of my most respected players! (That and how many points you have)
7 years ago
Dougy0401 about 3.5 years