short shift/auto
Published 9 years ago - 214 plays
if you want to make it longer -4g g9 -3n gf -2p gj -1k go,5o hj 5s hr,-k k -a u -18 u -u k -k k,-a u -a 18 -k u -u 18 -k 1i -u 1i -u k,-a 18 -k 1i,-u 1i -18 18 -u u -k 18 -a u,-18 18 -18 u,a u a 18 k 1i u 18 18 u u k k u u 18,k 1i u 1i 18 18 a 18,18 18 18 u,u k k k u u k 18 u 1i,k k a u k 18,k k k 1
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9 years ago
I tried using the code n desc. but nothings there except starting point. everything else is invisible...yes, I hit an invisible wall somehow. Dont ask my why or how. It just happened
9 years ago
wat? it doesnt work!