Hold-up #3
E12Published 9 years ago - 1.8k plays
My 3rd hold-up! Plz like, sub, and comment! Tell what I should do next
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9 years ago
yeah i agree and you have potential to make a better one but just dont space everything out as much, :) E12
9 years ago
MISCR3AT3D Honestly, I'd say that it WAS a waste of 14 seconds, because that's about the time that it's just gravity and floating in nothing. I'll try 2 make a better one later
9 years ago
E12 everyones right,it is spreaded out too much,but other than that,its good :)
9 years ago
i wouldn't say its 'very good' more like a waist of 28 seconds, the auto is too spread out and quite boring tbh