Published 9 years ago - 550 plays
I know I might get haters for saying this, but as we pray for Paris, we also need to pray for Isis and the other terrorist groups, that they will see the harm that they cause and realize that what they're doing is wrong. I believe that Jesus Can Save!
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9 years ago
scratch that. all of your tracks are honestly really cool. seriously, keep at it and you'll become well-reknowned. I'd also suggest joining the forums dude. keep at it.
9 years ago
CarterNyhus they're pretty cool imo. abandoned park is your best track. just add some background scenery to a track like it and it'd be really sick. keep it up!
9 years ago
Minus do you have any thoughts on my tracks? You are one of my favorite riders.
9 years ago
What do you think MaxLehr